Low-Acid Coffee and Its Potential to Reduce Inflammation in the Body

Low-Acid Coffee and Its Potential to Reduce Inflammation in the Body

Coffee is a comforting beverage that millions of American depend on daily, but there’s more to the story. Coffee drinkers appear to have some health advantages over non-drinkers, and these may have something to do with inflammation. Here’s what you should know about coffee, inflammation, and the role of low-acid coffee, such as Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee, as you are thinking about health and delicious coffee. 

What Is Inflammation?

Inflammation is one of the ways your body responds to stress. You might notice acute, or short-term, inflammation when you get an injury. You may have swelling, redness, or warmth around a sprained ankle, for example. Or, you might notice a rapid heart rate and breathing, as well as increased focus, if you get startled or angry. Acute inflammation is a healthy response that helps your body and mind handle adversity.

Chronic inflammation, however, is more harmful to your body. It can happen if you are overwhelmed with stress for a long period of time. It is also part of disease processes. People with high levels of chronic inflammation are at higher risk for conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cognitive decline, and some types of cancer. 

Luckily, it appears that many of our lifestyle choices affect inflammation, and you can make choices to lower it. Eating well, exercising regularly, sleeping enough, and managing stress are some ways.

Coffee and Inflammation

Coffee has many potential health benefits. It may even reduce chronic inflammation. This would make sense, given observations that coffee drinkers tend to have lower risk for conditions such as diabetes, cancer, cognitive decline, and some types of heart disease.

Still, some people may notice inflammation after drinking coffee. This might happen, for example, if you have a condition such as colitis or IBD, and drinking coffee leads to a flare-up. If that is the case, you might consider trying a low-acid brand of coffee, such as Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee. It can be gentler on the stomach and prevent bloating and inflammation.

Caffeine and Inflammation

Any discussion of coffee and its effects on the body naturally leads to talking about caffeine. As it turns out, caffeine does not seem to affect inflammation. If you are interested in a low-acid brand, you can rest assured that even though caffeine is acidic, it is not the main source of acid in coffee. Instead, low-acid coffee brands have lower levels of chlorogenic acid. Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee comes in fully caffeinated Regular, reduced caffeine Half Caff, and caffeine-free Decaf.

Coffee Purity and Inflammation

Inflammation can also be your body’s response to invading compounds. Many brands of coffee, for example, are contaminated with mold, which can produce inflammatory mycotoxins. Another concern is synthetic chemicals used when producing conventionally grown coffee. Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee is free from mold and mycotoxins, heavy metals, and synthetic pesticides and herbicides.

Chronic inflammation is linked to risk for many long-term health conditions, but you can take steps to lower your levels. A healthy lifestyle can take you far, and it seems that drinking coffee could be another healthy choice. A low-acid brand, such as Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee, may be good if you find that the acid bothers your stomach. See how much you can enjoy supporting your health while drinking your favorite beverage!

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