How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

It’s easy to make cold brew coffee at home! Start with the best coffee, like Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Whole Bean French Roast. Grind the beans perfectly, let them steep in water, and drain them. There you have your perfect cup of cold brew!

Why Make Cold Brew Coffee?

There are so many reasons to make cold brew coffee. Here are a few.

  • It’s less acidic than hot coffee. That’s great if you have heartburn or another condition that keeps you from enjoying acidic foods and beverages.
  • It’s more refreshing. With cold brew coffee, you can get your caffeine jolt without feeling overheated on a summer day or a warm afternoon.
  • You can always have some available. This coffee can keep for up to a week in the refrigerator so there’s no need to scramble to make coffee when you need some caffeine.

When you know how to make your own cold brew coffee, you don’t have to depend on a coffee shop. And since you can make it with Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee, you don’t have to worry about the acid content.

Tips for Success Making Cold Brew Coffee

Here are some tips for making cold brew coffee turn out perfectly every time.

  • Use coffee beans that are in a coarse grind, not a fine grind. That’s why Whole Bean French Roast is a good choice. You can use a spice grinder or a coffee grinder. Just go slowly. You might try pulses of 1 second each to make sure you do not overgrind your coffee.
  • Take your time. You can brew your coffee for at least 12 hours, and you can go for 24 hours if you steep it in the refrigerator.
  • Stir thoroughly after you pour the cold water over the coffee grinds. You want to be sure all of the grinds have a chance to get wet.

Ways to Use Cold Brew Coffee

You can drink your cold brew coffee straight from the refrigerator or pour it over ice to have as a refreshing drink. Cold brew coffee is also good with milk, either plain or with flavoring syrups or cinnamon or cocoa. You can even heat up your cold brew coffee if you want a warm drink with less acid!

How to Make Cold Bean Coffee



  1. Grind the Whole Bean French Roast beans coarsely and put them in a jar or other container with a tight-fitting lid.
  2. Pour the water over the coffee. Stir well to be sure that the beans are completely mixed into the water and no grinds are still dry.
  3. Close or cover the jar or container. Leave it on the counter or put it in the fridge for 12 hours. If you are letting it steep for longer, leave it in the fridge.
  4. Strain the coffee using cheesecloth, letting the coffee collect in a container or jar. Close the container or jar and store it for up to 1 week in the fridge.
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